Die Produktion von MECAVIT umfasst eine grosse Reihe von standardisierten Schrauben und von Zeichnungsschrauben aus verschiedenen hochlegierten Stahl und aus Edelstahl

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Nur erstklassige Rohmaterialien werden von Mecavit nach strengen Kontrollen angenommen. Automatisierte Produktionslinien bearbeiten den Draht für die Fertigung von standardisierten bzw. kundenspezifischen Schrauben. 


Standardisierte Schrauben

Die Fertigung von standardisierten Schrauben erfüllt die DIN-, UNI-, ISO- Normen und alle internationalen Vorschriften.



Wir entwickeln unsere Fertigungszeichnung gemäss Kundenspezifikationen und bieten gegebenenfalls individuelle Lösungen, die besonderen Ansprüchen des Kunden  wie zum Beispiel bestimmte mechanische Eigenschaften oder eine besonders hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit genügen.



Wire rod preparation

Tool shop department

Cold Forming

Thread Rolling

Wire rod preparation line for mechanical pickling and polymerization treatment .


The automated lines transform the wire rods into screws by cold forging according to standards or according to the customer’s drawing.

The highly industrialized production process starts using modern multi-step machines equipped with computerized control systems on machine board.

The highly industrialized production process starts using modern multi-step machines equipped with computerized control systems on machine board.


Sorting department - Second Operations

Heat treatment


Logistics - Warehouse

Mecavit is equipped with the most modern machines that can sort 100% of the product on dimensional criteria, presence of cracks and socket depth.

Mecavit utilizes some last generation production technologies to perform secondary mechanical machining on forged products.

To keep its production process flexible and independent, Mecavit has installed an automated line for the heat treatment. The modern belt conveyor furnace is operated and controlled by a computerized system that allows also the remote control of the line.

Mecavit can supply any certificates requested in the automotive field. The internal lab, which is technologically advanced, is equipped with all instruments necessary to carry out the requested inspections and assure the quality of the product.

The logistic of the semifinished products and of the whole production process is handled by means of modern computerized devices that assure the immediate traceability of each batch during the production process and over time.

The 4000 pallets stock gives Mecavit the possibility of being flexible and fast in delivering the goods.